First day of school, full of personality (and sass?), with a new haircut, new dress, new shoes (of her own choosing, as if you couldn’t tell—sparkle tennis shoes??) but last year’s backpack:
Bounty from the garden—many, many grape tomatoes, a handful of blueberries, all amazingly sweet and delicious. The larger tomato plant is a bit dicey, it is propped up by chairs right now, and tomatoes keep falling off it before ripening. No good picture of that one right now.
Also, our resident child laborer in nightgown, windbreaker, hat, and rain boots (not visible) ready for the harvest. The overseer did most of the actual picking however.
Our girl C was not a big ride fan last year. At the Fair, would only go on rides that went around (carousel for example), nothing that went up. And at Disneyland, was terrified the first day on a kiddie roller coaster and was gun shy about *any* rides after that. This year? Wanted to go on every single ride at the fair, and pretty much did. Would demand tickets—and then take off for the ride on her own! The giant slide was her favorite though, and she went on with each adult, even doing a little dance afterwards. She even went on a kiddie roller coaster with G, although he reports that she said “I am not afraid” a few more times than strictly necessary. We were so, so proud of C…until she threw a tantrum on the way out because she wanted a Dora blow up toy. I guess she is just 4 3/4 after all.
Her uncle and her daddy each won her a prize, and she loved them equally.
Uncle D with the girls.
I think Uncle D had a good visit. On Friday we went out to lunch and ran some errands and he was 1) carded for his margarita and 2) referred to by the cashier at Fred Meyer as “[my] husband or boy toy”. Ick. My *brother*! He did take a picture of me with the girls though, and I don’t have many of those. Still don’t have many flattering ones, but that might be more my fault than his. Sigh.